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Celebrating Armed Forces Day - Our commitment to and appreciation of the Armed Forces Community

Posted on June 2024

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This weekend is Armed Forces Day marking the culmination of a week of celebration in support of the armed forces community - from current serving personnel to Service families, veterans and cadets.
At Venn Group we take immense pride in our unwavering support for these heroes.

Our Commitment as Silver Covenant Signers

As a Silver Employer in the Armed Forces Covenant scheme since 2020, we recognise the invaluable work of service personnel and are committed to ensuring they and the wider armed forces community are not unfairly disadvantaged during the recruitment and selection processes.

This commitment is more than a symbolic gesture; it represents our dedication to creating a supportive environment for service members and their families. By signing the Silver Covenant, we uphold our promise to implement policies and practices that enhance the quality of life for those who serve and ensure their contributions are recognised and valued.

We would highly recommend every organisation to sign this important covenant – for more information follow the below link:

Sign the Covenant - Armed Forces Covenant

Reservist Leave: Supporting Dual Commitments

One of the ways we demonstrate our commitment is through our comprehensive reservist leave policy. We understand that reservists juggle dual responsibilities, balancing civilian careers with military duties. To support this, we offer generous leave allowances, ensuring that reservists can fulfil their military obligations without fear of losing their civilian employment or income. This policy not only respects their service but also acknowledges the unique challenges they face, providing them with the peace of mind to focus on their vital roles in national defence.


Valuing Veterans: Harnessing Experience and Leadership

Veterans bring a wealth of experience, leadership and a strong work ethic to any organisation. Their military training equips them with skills that are highly valuable in the civilian workforce, such as discipline, teamwork, and problem-solving. We recognise the immense potential that veterans offer and actively seek to integrate them into our team.

Our recent veteran hires, Aidan Sallis and Laura Surridge, have excelled in their roles as recruitment consultants. We spoke with them to learn more about their experiences since leaving military service.

“Transitioning from the Navy was a daunting step, but I was confident the skills I had honed during my service would enable me to add value to any organisation. My determination, organisational abilities, and confidence have been instrumental in my success as a recruitment consultant, and I am grateful to the Navy for helping me develop these skills.

Aidan Sallis

Many of our clients actively seek individuals who bring the unique perspective and values cultivated through a military background. We take pride in representing a significant number of these professionals within the interim market.

Rob Bowyer, our director who has recently taken the lead of our defence and security team spoke about the importance of our connections to the Military Community.

“Having personally raised money for a long time for the Royal Legion, I am excited about the opportunity with this new responsibility to strengthen our connections with the military community, by demonstrating our robust support for this vital group and providing exceptional talent access to these crucial and highly skilled roles within this dynamic sector.”

Robert Bowyer


Armed Forces Day is a time to reflect on the immense contributions of the UK's military personnel. As Silver Covenant Signers, we are committed to supporting these heroes through robust policies and a culture of appreciation. By recognising their service and integrating their invaluable skills into the workforce at large, we not only enhance our Company but also the organisations we recruit for.

This Armed Forces Day, let us all take a moment to express our gratitude and celebrate the exceptional men and women who serve and have served in the British Armed Forces.

To find our positions within Venn Group contact:

Elly Hanna

Head of External Communications

020 7557 7667

For information about our recruitment service contact:

Rob Bowyer


0207 557 7667